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What Class Are You?


The severity of male pattern baldness is commonly rated using the Hamilton-Norwood scale, which ranges from stage one through seven. Dr Rawnsley consults with each individual patient to determine what class they are currently in and how to turn back the clock to two to three classes behind their current state.

Hair-restoration-class-1 Before and After Treatment Photos | Rawnsley Hair Restoration in Los Angeles, CA
Class One:

Normal head of hair without any sign of baldness.

Hair-restoration-class-2 Before and After Treatment Photos | Rawnsley Hair Restoration in Los Angeles, CA
Class Two:

The hair is receding in a wedge-shaped pattern.

Hair-restoration-class-4 Before and After Treatment Photos | Rawnsley Hair Restoration in Los Angeles, CA
Class Three:

The hair has receded deeper into the frontal and temporal area.

Hair-restoration-class-3 Before and After Treatment Photos | Rawnsley Hair Restoration in Los Angeles, CA
Class Four:

Hair has receded more dramatically into the frontal and temporal area and there are the beginnings of a bald spot at the back of the head.

Hair-restoration-class-5 Before and After Treatment Photos | Rawnsley Hair Restoration in Los Angeles, CA
Class Five:

Hair density is even further reduced.

Hair-restoration-class-6 Before and After Treatment Photos | Rawnsley Hair Restoration in Los Angeles, CA
Class Six:

The strip of hair connecting the two sides of the head is no longer there.

Hair-restoration-class-7 Before and After Treatment Photos | Rawnsley Hair Restoration in Los Angeles, CA
Class Seven:

The hair has receded all the way back to the base of the head and the sides just above the ears.

Female Baldness

Thinning hair in women can often be treated with products such as Rogaine. For those who are candidates for hair restoration it is usually due to trauma or symptoms similar to male pattern baldness.

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